In general, respite providers step in when primary caregiver(s) need a break. Respite providers spend most of their time providing care for family members, children and others. They are short-term providers and provide care for a few hours a day as needed. These providers are designed and trained to provide a temporary break from responsibilities families regularly have. This service is provided in home and at care facilities/hospitals. A respite provider provides services such as helping others get around, performing daily living tasks, administer medications, feeding, supervising.
Attachment specific respite providers for work to ensure that children with severe emotional disturbances have a safe environment while their parents/caregivers have a break. This form of respite is specific to attachment and will not disrupt the caregiver bonding work. A typical respite provider in this area is never going to facilitate any activity that makes them seem more fun than the parent. Parents dictate everything in this arena.
Providers will facilitate 20 minutes of Legos, 20 minutes of reading, 20 minutes of exercise, the children will complete 3 chores, have an hour of Safe Sound Protocol and will be instructed to “strong sit” when their chores are completed or when awaiting transitioning. The family will let the respite provider know what the child eats for breakfast/lunch/dinner and times of day they would like them to eat. This schedule will be followed regardless of whether the child is receiving services at home or the agency and only if the child asks politely. Providers will institute strong sitting, acts of kindness(parents will be provided with an outline of this) as well as general monitoring of the children.
Providers who are assigned to families to facilitate this service are trained and specialize in attachment. They are trained in CPR First Aid. All providers have had background checks and have been finger printed and trained in CPI restraints. Their training is through Pathway Counseling both, Tandice Peterson, owner, as well as Relias, a training site for providers. Providers are required to participate in both weekly supervision with Tandice and 90 day reviews with Tandice. Parents/caregivers will be included in 90 days reviews of the child(ren) to assess services and discuss concerns as well as things that are going well.
"Respite care with Pathways Counseling is not like other respite care you've had. It is fantastic! The respite provider is trained to care for kids with RAD and other serious emotional disturbances. My kids get SSP training for calmness, do exercises, and have activities that keep them happy but under control. Nobody wants to babysit my kids, and I don't feel safe leaving them with a babysitter or in traditional respite care. This is the only place I have found that I can leave my kids and not worry."